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foreign owned subsidiaries webinar

18 September 2020
Read Time 1 mins reading time

During these turbulent times, there is a general expectation that claims against Directors and Officers (D&O) are likely to rise.

Mark O’Reilly, Director of Austbrokers Countrywide, joined us to discuss the state of market and explore some insurance considerations he has experienced lately. Mark provided insight into what Directors should be doing when faced with tough decisions currently relating to foreign owned subsidiaries.

We also shared our experiences in the current climate with banks, landlords, customers and employees. Lawyers often say there is no “one size fits all” and each of these groups have certainly adopted that view in the current world.

Presented by: 

James Sturgess and Grant Guenther, Macpherson Kelley

Mark O’Reilly, Austbrokers Countrywide



The information contained in this article is general in nature and cannot be relied on as legal advice nor does it create an engagement. Please contact one of our lawyers listed above for advice about your specific situation.

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foreign owned subsidiaries webinar

18 September 2020

During these turbulent times, there is a general expectation that claims against Directors and Officers (D&O) are likely to rise.

Mark O’Reilly, Director of Austbrokers Countrywide, joined us to discuss the state of market and explore some insurance considerations he has experienced lately. Mark provided insight into what Directors should be doing when faced with tough decisions currently relating to foreign owned subsidiaries.

We also shared our experiences in the current climate with banks, landlords, customers and employees. Lawyers often say there is no “one size fits all” and each of these groups have certainly adopted that view in the current world.

Presented by: 

James Sturgess and Grant Guenther, Macpherson Kelley

Mark O’Reilly, Austbrokers Countrywide