workplace health &
safety lawyers

If our people are our greatest asset then it follows that the safety of our people is critical to success.

There are two key areas our team regularly work with our employer clients. The first is presentations, training and compliance. What you need to do, should do and have to do fall into this category.

The second area is when something big or small goes wrong. From an accident with medical consequences to a fatality is where our experience, knowledge and know-how become vital to the injured, the organisation, and its directors and managers.

If our people are our greatest asset then it follows that the safety of our people is critical to success.

There are two key areas our team regularly work with our employer clients. The first is presentations, training and compliance. What you need to do, should do and have to do fall into this category.

The second area is when something big or small goes wrong. From an accident with medical consequences to a fatality is where our experience, knowledge and know-how become vital to the injured, the organisation, and its directors and managers.

Our team works in both these areas constantly and include members whose reputations precede them due to their decades of quality work in safety with clients. Their skills shine brightest in the most difficult of times and our clients constantly comment on the team’s ability to calmly manage critical incidents for all concerned.

Given the personal liability surrounding safety, in an ever increasingly regulated environment, it is good to know your law firm has this critical capability at hand.

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  • Board, office and manager/supervisor training
  • Crisis support and investigation
  • Safety advisory
  • Safety dispute processes, including inspector entry and prohibition or improvement notices
  • Safety inquests and prosecutions
  • Workcover premium advice
  • Workers’ compensation claims

recent experience

  • minimising risks with safety audit

    Macpherson Kelley acted for a large local government entity and led a team of lawyers, engineers and safety consultants to undertake a top to bottom audit and gap analysis under legal professional privilege of the organisation’s health and safety management system (SHMS) and its associated legal and safety risk profile. We designed and implemented the audit strategy and developed a report identifying legal liability risks, gaps in existing SHMS and made recommendations for minimising risks that were adopted.

  • interacting with the regulator

    Macpherson Kelley acted for a large waste management company which was subject to an improvement notice applicable to its operations throughout one state, although it had been based upon issues arising out of only one incident. Our lawyers were able to have the improvement notice reviewed internally under the procedures available within the state based regulator and were successful in having the improvement notice withdrawn because there was not a proper basis for its very wide scope of application. This outcome enabled our client to deal with the safety implications of the incident for its operations within a manageable timeframe and cost, subject to ongoing liaison and cooperation with the regulator.

  • developing Injury notification guidelines

    Macpherson Kelley advised an event management company who were seeking clarification for its employees and senior managers on when they were required to notify injuries to the regulator. Our advice resulted in the development of a series of practical guidelines which employees could access to assess their notification obligations in urgent situations and act consistently with the obligations.

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