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Emma Fleming

principal lawyer, planning and environment

meet Emma

about Emma

sydney office +61 2 8298 9534
paralegal: dayna smith +61 2 8298 9535

about Emma

Emma Fleming’s tact and commercial approach to law has seen her take the lead on several significant environment and planning litigation cases throughout her career. It’s her commitment to seeing client projects through and her keen focus on commercial outcomes that has led to her success on a number of major projects including environmental prosecutions, planning appeals and project challenges relating to controversial developments involving retail, commercial and residential projects and licensed premises.

As a spe­cial­ist in all aspects of local gov­ern­ment, plan­ning and envi­ron­ment law and compulsory acquisition, Emma knows the development industry from the inside out. Her clients range from property developers and licensed premises, to community groups and private clients.

“Understanding the complexities of planning laws, particularly in NSW, is an important aspect of a successful property development. I focus on helping clients develop a clear strategy to achieve practical and commercial solutions to their planning issues.”

Emma’s expe­ri­ence is particularly sought after amongst property developers as she advises at all stages of the project life-cycle (includ­ing devel­op­ment and project appli­ca­tions, envi­ron­men­tal assess­ment, devel­op­er and plan­ning agree­ments and approvals) with con­sid­er­a­tion to rel­e­vant State and Com­mon­wealth envi­ron­ment and planning legislation. Her expansive knowledge and client care makes her one of the leading lawyers in her field.

Areas of Expertise

  • Administrative law
  • Compulsory acquisition
  • Due diligence
  • Environment and planning advice
  • Land and environment court litigation
  • Liquor licensing and gaming
  • Litigation and strategy
  • Local government
  • Voluntary planning agreements


  • Commercial & retail sector
  • Hotels
  • Infrastructure
  • Mining
  • Property development
  • State and local government


Recommended Planning and Development Lawyer, NSW – Doyle’s Guide 2017-2022

leadership positions

Member – Environmental and Planning Law Association (EPLA)
Member – Law Society of NSW
Member – Women Lawyers Association of NSW

significant matters

  • Approval of residential complex in marsden park precinct

    Emma’s client wanted to develop a greenfield site in the North West Growth Centres. Assessment of the proposed residential development was delayed by the local council. Emma’s client decided to commence proceedings in the Land and Environment Court against council’s deemed refusal of the proposed project. Emma successfully represented her client in the Land and Environment Court and secured development approval for the subdivision of land and construction of 756 residential units in the Marsden Park Precinct.

  • successful negotiation of 200 place childcare centre

    Emma’s client had a plan to construct a 200 place childcare centre in Sydney’s western suburbs. The issue was that council was unenthusiastic to approve such a large centre. Loosing traction with the council, Emma’s decided to appeal against council’s deemed refusal of the development application. Emma successfully negotiated with the council an approval of the development without any reduction in the number of child places.