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Nathanael Kitingan

managing principal lawyer - melbourne, litigation and dispute resolution | insolvency

meet Nathanael

about Nathanael

melbourne office +61 3 8615 9938
legal secretary: daniela vassallo +61 3 9208 9871

about Nathanael

Nathanael Kitingan gained a good grounding in civil procedure early in his career through regular appearance and advocacy work in courts and mediations. This nurtured his appreciation of the strategic game that is litigation. Whether it’s employing the shortest most effective route to get a quick result, salvaging a distressed asset or figuring out how to secure the highest payout at the lowest cost to the client, Nathanael is always considering all angles to ensure his clients are happy.

Nathanael understands the balance required to be a good litigator and insolvency lawyer – he keeps up to date with technical and legal changes in the industry, while not letting his sharp negotiation and strong relationship building skills slip.

Nathanael’s overseas adventures helped him develop compassion for all people he comes across in his dealings as a litigation and insolvency lawyer. This compassion means he connects better with clients and other stakeholders, putting him in a much better position to resolve a dispute.

“Nathanael and his team at Macpherson Kelley are proactive, hardworking lawyers. Nathanael’s straight talking, commercial approach to achieving outcomes has produced excellent results for me and I would highly recommend his services.”

Shane Cremin, Director, Rogers Reidy

Areas of Expertise


additional qualifications

Accredited Specialist, Commercial Litigation, Law Institute of Victoria
Advanced certificate, Insolvency, ARITA

Master of Law, Commercial Litigation

Bachelor of Science, Genetics



leadership positions

Professional member, ARITA
President, Australia Malaysia Business Council
Litigation executive committee member, Law institute Victoria
Professional development subcommittee member, WIRV


  • retail lease wars

    Nathanael acted for the owner of a CBD building facing a multi-million dollar claim in VCAT by a tenant for loss and damages, under a breach of its lease. Negotiation attempts over the course of a 3-year litigation failed and the parties headed into a long trial. With some sharp attention to detail and preparation, Nathanael and his team managed to knock out the tenant’s case on the first day of trial, showing the company suffering the alleged loss and damages was not the tenant and had no legal link to the lease to allow it claim anything. Nathanael’s client won the case and was awarded indemnity costs on the basis that the tenant had brought a vexatious and hopeless proceeding. This is very rare under the Retail Leases Act. Unsatisfied, the tenant appealed the decision to the Court of Appeal which again found in favour of Nathanael’s client.

  • business or personal

    Nathanael and his team acted for a company director, facing claims of insolvent trading, unreasonable director related actions and breaches of duties. The director’s husband had gone bankrupt and she was involved because the couple had mingled their personal and company finances. The client feared losing her house – her last remaining asset. The case was complicated, as a lack of record keeping was a the initial cause of the problem, making a defence even more difficult. Nathanael and his team were able to negotiate a settlement that avoided bankruptcy for the director and allowed her to keep her house.

  • speed is of the essence

    Nathanael and team had to act quickly when a liquidator needed to freeze the assets of a company director and his wife. Documents had been forged by the company director, redirecting money paid by creditors into his and his wife’s personal accountants. Freezing orders were obtained before the company director was able to further dispense the assets, allowing for proceedings to be issued and a settlement to be negotiated, facilitating a dividend to the creditors.