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Peter Kemp

consultant, commercial

meet Peter

about Peter

sydney office +61 2 8298 9533
legal secertary: rosie cheng +61 2 8298 9590

about Peter

Peter Kemp learnt the ropes through some of the best legal mentors of the time and understands the importance of reliability, honesty and duty to the court.

“Establishing a good professional and personal relationship with my clients is the most important thing. Having previously started my own practice, I respect that my clients know the best commercial outcome for their business and work with them to achieve that goal.”

In his 30 plus years’ experience Peter has travelled the world working on a range of commercial law matters including general commercial advice, tax, restructuring, acquisitions, insolvency and commercial litigation. His clients include accountants, liquidators, other solicitors and business owners. His extensive network is of great benefit to his clients.

Areas of Expertise


recent experience

  • acting for a liquidator

    Acting for the liquidator of a large group of private companies involving the review of documents and meetings with liquidator and his staff throughout a period of six years. This matter also included processing court applications in Australia and the UK, liaising with regulators, developing strategies with the liquidator and his staff for various court applications.

  • senior management and liquidation

    Representing some directors and senior management in the liquidation of a substantial Australian Insurance company throughout a Royal Commission.

  • franchising experience

    Acting for a two franchisors of different multiple franchises in Australia. This work began when the franchisors were commencing their respective franchise businesses and continued for over 25 years during which time franchise law and regulation was developed and the businesses grew to be substantial around the country. Peter was involved in all aspects of the franchisor’s business with on-going dialogue and commercial development in conjunction with the accountants for the client including commercial litigation.