Employer Statement: 2023-2024 WGEA Gender Pay Gap
Macpherson Kelley’s Board, Executive and Principal Lawyers are deeply committed to taking deliberate steps to positively influence our gender pay gap, continuing our efforts to create a workplace where everyone can thrive.
Macpherson Kelley is an incorporated legal practice. Under the Act we are required to include Principal Lawyer remuneration in our reporting. It is critical to note this is different to the majority of other law firms and law partnerships, who have excluded partner remuneration and partnership draws from their WGEA analysis. This difference in legal sector reporting does not present an equal comparison between Macpherson Kelley and industry data.
What does the 2023-2024 gender pay gap data show us?
We are pleased to see the ongoing efficacy of our talent strategies, including our talent programs, flexible work initiatives, and success in recruitment policies resulting in an improvement across the majority of pay gap data points.
While significant change will take time, we attribute the reduction in our gender pay gap from last year to key policies and initiatives detailed below.
- Seeking to influence our workplace composition. Currently, 65% of our early career lawyers are female and as we continue to invest in programs that support women and families through critical career and life stages, women will make up a greater proportion of the Special Counsel, Senior Associate and Principal roles. By 1 July 2028, Macpherson Kelley’s goal is for women to comprise 50% of our Principal Lawyer positions. Initiatives such as genuine access to flexible work, paid parental leave and female-focused leadership development programs have supported our women to progress through our career pathways. We will continue to invest in this.
- A positive shift in male representation in lower pay quartile positions. While achieving a better-balanced gender ratio in these positions will have the greatest impact on reducing our gender pay gap, increasing female representation in leadership positions will be more impactful from a culture and equity point of view.
- Robust analysis and reporting to understand any variance between genders in a similar role / with similar qualifications and experience. It is imperative we ensure such variance is explainable by objective and measurable performance measures.
Please read our full employer statement for more detail.
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Employer Statement: 2023-2024 WGEA Gender Pay Gap
Macpherson Kelley’s Board, Executive and Principal Lawyers are deeply committed to taking deliberate steps to positively influence our gender pay gap, continuing our efforts to create a workplace where everyone can thrive.
Macpherson Kelley is an incorporated legal practice. Under the Act we are required to include Principal Lawyer remuneration in our reporting. It is critical to note this is different to the majority of other law firms and law partnerships, who have excluded partner remuneration and partnership draws from their WGEA analysis. This difference in legal sector reporting does not present an equal comparison between Macpherson Kelley and industry data.
What does the 2023-2024 gender pay gap data show us?
We are pleased to see the ongoing efficacy of our talent strategies, including our talent programs, flexible work initiatives, and success in recruitment policies resulting in an improvement across the majority of pay gap data points.
While significant change will take time, we attribute the reduction in our gender pay gap from last year to key policies and initiatives detailed below.
- Seeking to influence our workplace composition. Currently, 65% of our early career lawyers are female and as we continue to invest in programs that support women and families through critical career and life stages, women will make up a greater proportion of the Special Counsel, Senior Associate and Principal roles. By 1 July 2028, Macpherson Kelley’s goal is for women to comprise 50% of our Principal Lawyer positions. Initiatives such as genuine access to flexible work, paid parental leave and female-focused leadership development programs have supported our women to progress through our career pathways. We will continue to invest in this.
- A positive shift in male representation in lower pay quartile positions. While achieving a better-balanced gender ratio in these positions will have the greatest impact on reducing our gender pay gap, increasing female representation in leadership positions will be more impactful from a culture and equity point of view.
- Robust analysis and reporting to understand any variance between genders in a similar role / with similar qualifications and experience. It is imperative we ensure such variance is explainable by objective and measurable performance measures.
Please read our full employer statement for more detail.