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This webinar is a guided tour focused on employment and safety obligations in the “COVID19 verse”. The essential aspects of discharging your safety and employment obligations and protecting your most valuable asset, your people, are addressed.

The webinar covers:

  • A practical review of risk assessment principles designed to help you discharge your safety obligations;
  • Privacy considerations associated with collecting and using your employees’ personal health information in building your safety protocols;
  • What the new JobKeeper legislation really means in terms of practical options for employers seeking to keep their business alive and their employees employed; and
  • Other options available to employers to continue to adapt their businesses to the current restrictions including stand-downs, agreed reductions in hours or pay, redundancies and new modern award flexibilities and entitlements.

The information contained in this article is general in nature and cannot be relied on as legal advice nor does it create an engagement. Please contact one of our lawyers listed above for advice about your specific situation.

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national employment webinar

27 April 2020

This webinar is a guided tour focused on employment and safety obligations in the “COVID19 verse”. The essential aspects of discharging your safety and employment obligations and protecting your most valuable asset, your people, are addressed.

The webinar covers:

  • A practical review of risk assessment principles designed to help you discharge your safety obligations;
  • Privacy considerations associated with collecting and using your employees’ personal health information in building your safety protocols;
  • What the new JobKeeper legislation really means in terms of practical options for employers seeking to keep their business alive and their employees employed; and
  • Other options available to employers to continue to adapt their businesses to the current restrictions including stand-downs, agreed reductions in hours or pay, redundancies and new modern award flexibilities and entitlements.