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Update – Dealers to submit voluntary disclosures by 31 December 2018

27 September 2018
dan perera
Read Time 1 mins reading time

The opportunity to avoid higher penalties by submitting a voluntary disclosure with the Victorian Commissioner of State Revenue (Commissioner) has been extended.

Dealers who have obtained duty exemptions for “service demonstrator vehicles” or “service loan vehicles” now have until December 31 to make a submission.

As a reminder, the Commissioner may impose a penalty of up to 90 per cent of the unpaid motor vehicle duty where a dealer has failed to make a voluntary disclosure supported by the required information.

To qualify for the reduced penalty tax rate, the following must be included in the voluntary disclosure:

  • in respect of each motor vehicle, the make, model, year of manufacture and registration number as at the date of registration or transfer of registration by/to the dealer;
  • the purchase price paid for each motor vehicle (inclusive of GST) together with a copy of the tax invoice; and
  • any other material relevant to the voluntary disclosure.

If you would like our assistance in preparing and submitting your submission, please contact our Motor Dealers team.

This article was written by Dan Perera, Lawyer – Commercial. 

The information contained in this article is general in nature and cannot be relied on as legal advice nor does it create an engagement. Please contact one of our lawyers listed above for advice about your specific situation.

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Update – Dealers to submit voluntary disclosures by 31 December 2018

27 September 2018
dan perera

The opportunity to avoid higher penalties by submitting a voluntary disclosure with the Victorian Commissioner of State Revenue (Commissioner) has been extended.

Dealers who have obtained duty exemptions for “service demonstrator vehicles” or “service loan vehicles” now have until December 31 to make a submission.

As a reminder, the Commissioner may impose a penalty of up to 90 per cent of the unpaid motor vehicle duty where a dealer has failed to make a voluntary disclosure supported by the required information.

To qualify for the reduced penalty tax rate, the following must be included in the voluntary disclosure:

  • in respect of each motor vehicle, the make, model, year of manufacture and registration number as at the date of registration or transfer of registration by/to the dealer;
  • the purchase price paid for each motor vehicle (inclusive of GST) together with a copy of the tax invoice; and
  • any other material relevant to the voluntary disclosure.

If you would like our assistance in preparing and submitting your submission, please contact our Motor Dealers team.

This article was written by Dan Perera, Lawyer – Commercial.