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Beat the Price Rise: IP Australia Fees Increasing 1 October 2020

21 August 2020
emma berry
Read Time 1 mins reading time

If you’ve been delaying your application for a trade mark or design, now is the time to do so to beat IP Australia’s fee increase on 1 October 2020.

The fee increase is intended to reflect IP Australia’s increased administration costs. The full list of fee increases are available here. The fee increases affect trade marks, designs, patents and plant breeder’s rights. In this article, we will only flag the key changes to trade mark and design fees.

trade mark fee increase

The most significant trade marks fee increase is for the costs of a standard trade mark application. The fee will rise from $330 to $400 per class, making it significantly more expensive to apply for a trade mark across multiple classes. At the same time the application fee for a series application rises from $480 to $550 per class.

There are also fee increases for trade mark prosecution, namely the fees for hearing including filing submissions and appearance fees.

design fee increase

The most important design fee increase is for renewals, going up from $320 to $400 (when using the eServices portal). If you have a design coming up for renewal, consider doing so before 1 October 2020 to save $80.

Most of the other fee increases only affect designs lodged through means other than the eServices portal. The exception is where an application introduces more than one design within the same category, where we will see a new fee of $200.

act now to avoid the fee increase

If your business is intending on filing a new trade mark or design application, filing now will avoid increased costs. This presents a significant saving if your mark will cover more than one class of goods.

Our Intellectual Property team is ready to assist you with filing your trade marks or designs to avoid the fee increase on 1 October.

The information contained in this article is general in nature and cannot be relied on as legal advice nor does it create an engagement. Please contact one of our lawyers listed above for advice about your specific situation.

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Beat the Price Rise: IP Australia Fees Increasing 1 October 2020

21 August 2020
emma berry

If you’ve been delaying your application for a trade mark or design, now is the time to do so to beat IP Australia’s fee increase on 1 October 2020.

The fee increase is intended to reflect IP Australia’s increased administration costs. The full list of fee increases are available here. The fee increases affect trade marks, designs, patents and plant breeder’s rights. In this article, we will only flag the key changes to trade mark and design fees.

trade mark fee increase

The most significant trade marks fee increase is for the costs of a standard trade mark application. The fee will rise from $330 to $400 per class, making it significantly more expensive to apply for a trade mark across multiple classes. At the same time the application fee for a series application rises from $480 to $550 per class.

There are also fee increases for trade mark prosecution, namely the fees for hearing including filing submissions and appearance fees.

design fee increase

The most important design fee increase is for renewals, going up from $320 to $400 (when using the eServices portal). If you have a design coming up for renewal, consider doing so before 1 October 2020 to save $80.

Most of the other fee increases only affect designs lodged through means other than the eServices portal. The exception is where an application introduces more than one design within the same category, where we will see a new fee of $200.

act now to avoid the fee increase

If your business is intending on filing a new trade mark or design application, filing now will avoid increased costs. This presents a significant saving if your mark will cover more than one class of goods.

Our Intellectual Property team is ready to assist you with filing your trade marks or designs to avoid the fee increase on 1 October.